Conference chairs in alluminium, mis.920x450x540mm

Conference chairs in alluminium, mis.920x450x540mm

Chairs and armchairs in alluminium ideal for banquets, conferences and meetings.
They achieve a new level in comfort thanks to generous webbed dished seats and dished backs incorporating a lumbar support.
This range is manufactured in lightweight aluminium and can be stacked 10 high. Transport of stacks of ten chairs is facilitated by the appropriate trolley.
Buffers and plastic feet are in clear colour to prevent markings.
Finishings are powder coated at 230° and very resistant to scratches and clashes.
All models are available with arms, linking system and a folding detachable writing tablet.
This multipurpose stacking chair is ideal for hotels, conference rooms, meeting rooms, banquet rooms and for the corporate market.
H 92; L 45; P 54; HS 45.  Weight: 6 Kg.

BLU - Blue
RS - Red
VE - Green
CRS - Satined chrome
OS - Satined gold

<- Back

Key-rings in brass with personalized engraving, key-boxes
Luggage trolleys, luggage carts
Engraved brass or crystal plates, for indoor and outdoor, Sign-boards
Oil-lamps in brass with paraffin oil, for indoor and outdoor

Equipment for conventions and events

Directional indicators, information's posts, info-boards 

  See also

Chair for meetings and conference rooms. Dim. 920x450x620

Armchair covered with leather. Dim: 600x800x700mm

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Pegasus Arte
Massardimade srls - Sede Magazzino: Via delle Schiave 3/C 25085 Gavardo - Brescia - italy
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